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2024 04 - 09

Some Differences when Producing Tea

Guangqing teaches you all the knowledges of tea.
There are some differences when doing processing and production of tea. It can be divided into two conditions:
1.Distinguish from level of fermentation: no fermented, partial fermented and fully fermented.
2.Distinguish from color of tea soup and appearance: green tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea, black tea, and dark tea.
Black tea that we usually drink is fully fermented, and green tea is no fermented. Other tea like yellow tea is no fermented, white tea and oolong tea is partial fermented, lastly dark tea is post-fermented.
Get familiar with features of tea, while you could better apply features of tea. Collocate suitable and perfect toppings for you to create your own unique beverage. ?
Create some new ideas and research more products.
The services Guangqing can do for you:
1️⃣Tea supply
2️⃣Raw materials supply
3️⃣Training lesson
4️⃣Equipment operation
5️⃣Developing new beverages
Begin from nothing!
Our one-stop service can assist you open your bubble tea shop easily.??